
dusk till dawn

April 13, 2020 / BY zahra
when the sun sets, you then come out i would have said ‘i missed you’, but i don’t think i was allowed with my hand in yours, into the closet we went dusk till dawn, we had our time well spent through a hug, you engulfed this poor soul bleeding and battered, with multiple hole you told me, you loved seeing me like this not the happy-go-lucky my friends used to miss of course, it...

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(not) straight

April 13, 2020 / BY zahra
let me get one thing straight i am not at least, not in the mind you see sometimes i get in these dark mood and just forget the way back to light no worries though, that's just me in feud with guests at the door i did not invite. Anxieties knocked so hard it rattled my system palms so sweaty i couldn't hold myself together so i was pulled out as another victim another one...

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warm words

March 07, 2020 / BY zahra
(i) in all honesty, i hope you found the peace you were looking for even when everything of you is at war with everything you could not understand. back then, we thought hurting in each other's comfort would at least lessen the pain. but each blade bled us differently and they bled us dry of the love that we had for each other and we ended up with hatred twice its amount. you, with your...

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i wrote these in grammar class

December 08, 2019 / BY zahra
(i) feels like you've got it all figured out when you told me you didn't want us anymore and you're leaving for malibu. my feet had to clutch the ground, begging for it to not let me go - the same way you did. because i did not want to fall - the same way i did, for you. said you're chasing your dreams, so i had to stop running because you're on another lap...

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